מבנה תאריך DD/MM/YYYY או MM/DD/YYYY.
אם ברצונכם לשנות מבנה תאריך בסיילספורס:
אם ברצונכם לשנות מבנה תאריך בסיילספורס:
The Locale setting affects the format of date, date/time, and number fields, and the calendar. For example, dates in the English (United States) locale display as 06/30/2000 and as 30/06/2000 in the English (United Kingdom) locale. Times in the English (United States) locale display using a twelve-hour clock with AM and PM (for example, 2:00 PM), whereas in the English (United Kingdom) locale, they display using a twenty-four-hour clock (for example, 14:00).