12 ביולי 2019

Project Integration Checking: Aircall - Hubspot

A. Transferred data from Aircall to Hubspot: 

Agreed marks to the detailed analysis ahead: 
V - Data is saved and presented in Activity details in Hubspot Contact Timeline
W - Data is saved and presented as property in the Reports and filters in Hubspot

Marked in yellow - to ask Aircall agent. Still in question.

Detailed analysis of the fields in the integration Aircall >> Hubspot: 

0. Customer Name - V 
(*) This field is getting its first values (First Name + Last Name) - from the Phone Number to Aircall (for example: 18662499393) + automatic string "Aircall new contact".

1. Call Date and Time - V + W

Incoming/ Outgoing - ??? Not sure where this field appear in Hubspot
Agent Name - V - W
House Phone number - V- W
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot

3. Call Recording - V - A link in Hubspot contact timeline - to the call recording in Aircall cloud

4. Comments/ Call Notes - V - W (Rubi: in Hubspot the property is "Call notes", and can be see in the Reports filter)

5. Call Outcome - V - W 
(In Aircall there are not "outcomes" to define by an agent (=no brainer), only tags. 
Outcome field to send to Hubspot is an automatic process build by the administrator).
No option to add values to this field in Hubspot.

6. + 7. 
Agent Name - V - W
House Phone number - V- W
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot
Call Duration - V + W 

8. Call Tags from Aircall - V? - W? 

B. Integration Workprocess:

  1. Activate the integration from Hubspot side
  2. Activate the integration from Aircall side 
  3. Aircall - Update users 
  4. Aircall - Decide about the outcomes to send to Hubspot
  5. Aircall - Install the application for the phone (agent setup) - Click here
  6. Aircall - Install the Aircall Chrome extension - Click here

טלפוניה * טלפוניה בענן * קישור האבספוט AIRCALL * קישור למערכת טלפוניה בענן * ממשקי האבספוט