A. Transferred data from Aircall to Hubspot:
Agreed marks to the detailed analysis ahead:
V - Data is saved and presented in Activity details in Hubspot Contact Timeline
Agreed marks to the detailed analysis ahead:
V - Data is saved and presented in Activity details in Hubspot Contact Timeline
W - Data is saved and presented as property in the Reports and filters in Hubspot
Marked in yellow - to ask Aircall agent. Still in question.
Detailed analysis of the fields in the integration Aircall >> Hubspot:
Incoming/ Outgoing - ??? Not sure where this field appear in Hubspot
0. Customer Name - V
(*) This field is getting its first values (First Name + Last Name) - from the Phone Number to Aircall (for example: 18662499393) + automatic string "Aircall new contact".
1. Call Date and Time - V + W2.
Incoming/ Outgoing - ??? Not sure where this field appear in Hubspot
Agent Name - V - W
House Phone number - V- W
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot
3. Call Recording - V - A link in Hubspot contact timeline - to the call recording in Aircall cloud
4. Comments/ Call Notes - V - W (Rubi: in Hubspot the property is "Call notes", and can be see in the Reports filter)
5. Call Outcome - V - W
(In Aircall there are not "outcomes" to define by an agent (=no brainer), only tags.
Outcome field to send to Hubspot is an automatic process build by the administrator).
No option to add values to this field in Hubspot.
No option to add values to this field in Hubspot.
6. + 7.
Agent Name - V - W
Agent Name - V - W
House Phone number - V- W
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot
Customer phone number - V (*) This is the key field to match contacts between Aircall and Hubspot
Call Duration - V + W
8. Call Tags from Aircall - V? - W?
B. Integration Workprocess:
- Activate the integration from Hubspot side
- Activate the integration from Aircall side
- Aircall - Update users
- Aircall - Decide about the outcomes to send to Hubspot
- Aircall - Install the application for the phone (agent setup) - Click here
- Aircall - Install the Aircall Chrome extension - Click here
טלפוניה * טלפוניה בענן * קישור האבספוט AIRCALL * קישור למערכת טלפוניה בענן * ממשקי האבספוט